Press of the BeComingOne Church

[Taken from the God Papers  by Walter R. Dolen
 Copyright © 1977-2003 by Walter R. Dolen and/or BeComingOne Church]

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Who is God

"And Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself" (Luke 24:27)

GP 1: Introduction to the God Papers

Views on God
Paradoxes on God
Law of Contradiction
Trinity, Godhead, and Law of Contradiction
Fourth Person in Godhead?
Metonymy and the Holy Spirit
Attributes of God
Problem of Evil
Titles / Names of God
The Name of God
"I AM" Doctrine
Unchangeableness of God
God, Gods
One God (yhwh)
More Details

Views and Paradoxes on God

Gods of Science

gp1God, gods, and idols come in all sizes, shapes, and powers. All cultures have their gods. Even science has its god. In Robert Wright's Three Scientists and Their Gods (1988), Wright writes:

  • Some people find it hard to believe that a heartless, brainless, spineless bacterium floating around in the primordial ooze could have evolved into a multi-billion-celled animal... Given enough time ... unlikely things will come to pass--such as strands of DNA that make copies of themselves. But other scientists ... think that the first form of life owed its existence to some as-yet-undiscovered law of thermodynamics... This unformed law, says Bennett, has "taken over one of the jobs formerly assigned to God" (pp 205-206).

The god of science is the theory of evolution with its life-creating "black holes" and its invisible "anti-matter." Evolution does everything that the religious god does. Science thinks of itself as holy and worthy of praise, but it and its priests have created city-killing bombs, experimented on live humans, injected animal and human victims with drugs, diseases, plagues, and even theorized extermination of whole sets of people in the name of science.

Gods of the Aztecs

gp2In the past most were "religious." To appease their gods, mankind built great stone altars. On these altars, sometimes located on high hills or pyramids, they built fires. In these fires some sacrificed their children and virgins. According to eyewitnesses with Cortez, (1) in the Aztecs' barbaric culture, on top of the pyramid the high priest dressed in black would cut open a live human victim pull out the live, bloody and beating heart, extend his bloody hand to the heavens while squeezing out all the heart's blood. Then the victim was pushed down the pyramid, the heartless body would tumble over pointed and jagged rocks that ripped it all the time it fell to the ground where others would cut off the victims arms and legs, which were later eaten by the populace, and then the priests discarded the remaining flesh of the victim to the waiting half-starved animals, who were kept near the bottom of the pyramid, to eat the bloody remains that the populace would not or could not eat.

Footnote 1.(Bernal Diaz, The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, Pub. 1568; Francisco Lopez de Gomara, Cortes: The Life of the Conqueror by His Secretary, Pub. 1552)

Bizarre Gods of Yesterday

gp3» In contrast some more "humane" societies only sacrificed animals: sheep, goats, and birds. Around their holy hills they sold animals for sacrifices. Temple prostitution was present in many cultures. Some walked on fire, wrapped poisonous snakes around their necks, and beat and disfigured themselves with whips and knives. Others prayed in various ritualistic ways to their gods with pious and disfigured faces, hoping that their gods would listen to them and grant their request. Kings assumed for themselves godhood and had their subjects worship them as gods. In their kingship they robbed and humiliated their subjects. These god-kings started wars, raped, killed, and destroyed cities and nations.

Today's Gods

gp4» Today there are many theories on who or what is God. Depending on your education and mindset, some of these explanations of God are serious while others are ludicrous. There are few remnants of killing-sacrifices today, but there are financial sacrifices, verbal prayers, and ascetic rituals for the gods.

Gods and Creation

gp5» Did a cosmic and non-intelligent soup create the universe, did a weak and pathetic god create it, or did an all-powerful God create it? The cosmic-soup theory (evolution) is omnipotent; it is like God: it creates matter; from it all life evolved; it's all-powerful. Although some theologians speak of God as all-powerful, for many God needs the magic of the cosmic-soup to create the universe and mankind. And for many God's power is tempered in someway because he is struggling for good against a surprisingly powerful Devil. For this "all-powerful" God, there is the "problem of evil."

But there is evidence against the magical cosmic-soup, and against the weak-pathetic god. The intelligence and complexity of the cosmos cannot come from a non-intelligent soup or a weak-pathetic god. The genetic code of life that exists in each of our cells is one proof of the intelligence and complexity of life. This code of life must have come from a highly intelligent Power not from a non-intelligent cosmic soup. This, and much more, is evidence for a powerful and intelligent God. That is, a great intelligent Power has created the universe. Science, as understood by many, cannot and never will acknowledge a powerful God, because the very definition of Science rules out the supernatural: "science" was instituted to negate the overbearing influence of religion on knowledge, but if the true answer includes the acts of a powerful-creating God, "science" by its very definition will ignore this truth.

Who or What is the Creation Power?

gp6» The real question is, who or what is this Power that created the universe? Is He or It like what we have been taught? What is the essence of this God? What is His behavior or personality? Is it even possible to know?

gp7An intelligent Power who created an intelligent and complex universe may have, should have, or must have somehow revealed his essence to mankind. We have come to the conclusion that the Power has revealed his essence. In the God Papers we examine God, the great Power, scripturally. This means, we will use the Bible to study God because we believe the Bible reveals the essence of God. We believe the Bible reveals the essence of God because of the Bible's uniqueness, its history, its inner cohesiveness, its fulfilled prophecy, its continuing confirmation by archeology, and so on. You must read our paper entitled the "Bible Paper" [BP 3] or such works as Evidence That Demands a Verdict, by Josh McDowell, to understand better the uniqueness and greatness of the Holy Bible. For now please read on.

gp8» The question then becomes, who is the Lord (yhwh) or Jehovah (yhwh) of the Old Testament of the Bible? Who is Jesus Christ? Who is God the Father? Is the true God a Trinitarian God as some suppose? Is the true God a God of love? Is the real God a God of fire and damnation? Who or what is God?

Paradoxes on God

gp9» We will use the Bible to ascertain the essence of God. But the Bible seems to be highly contradictory. How can God be love (1John 4:8), and also a killer? In scripture the Lord says, "I kill and I make alive; I wound, and I heal" (Deut 32:39; 1Sam 2:6). Yet the Bible says that the God is good to all (Pss 145:9). How can God be good to all and also a killer? How can God predestinate some to wrath and destruction (Prov 16:4; Rom 9:21-23; 1Pet 2:8; Jude 1:4), and some to mercy and glory (Rom 9:21-23; Eph 1:4-5; etc.)? Not only is God love, but He is all-powerful (Gen 17:1; Rev 1:8). In his all-powerfulness He even created evil: "I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things" (Isa 45:7). These are some of the Biblical paradoxes of God. Just how can God be love and also a killer, or how or why has He created evil? According to the Biblical definition of love (1Cor 13:4-8), killing or evil isn't one of the qualities of love. Yet, according to the Bible, God is love and in someway has killed and in someway has created evil.

Most known attempts to negate these paradoxes of God have failed. Some call the problem of these paradoxes, the "problem of evil." But the only true description of the true God must explain these paradoxes. If one's explanation of God does not, then his god is not the God.

Time to Choose

gp10The goal of the God Papers is to define God through His scripture. But this will not be easy. Christ even said: "no one knows who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and to whom the Son reveals" (Luke 10:22). Theologians have for almost 2,000 years been studying the essence of Jesus and the Father and have come up with differing views. The most popular views on God are based on Grecian views from a Greek culture and a Greek translation of the Old Testament Bible. It is from the Old Testament that most of our knowledge pertaining to God comes. Even the New Testament's doctrine comes from the Old Testament. Therefore we base our study of the foundational Old Testament on the Hebrew Bible since the Hebrews wrote it (through God's power), and they wrote it down in the Hebrew language. If God wanted the Bible to come to us through the Grecian culture, he would have originally used the Greeks and their language to write it. But God chose the Hebrews with their language and its peculiarities. You will have to choose, but there is only one correct answer. In the God Papers we will define and elucidate the Biblical God by logically incorporating apparent paradoxes into our definition of God. We will use the real Name of God to help us do this because the meaning of God's Name is the secret to explaining the nature of God. Do read on.

For more about God click appropriate link top right to continue.

"Tolerance of evil breeds more evil" 

All material on this Web site is Copyright © 1971 - 2022 by BeComingOne Church and or Walter R. Dolen

Press of the BeComingOne Church

This site is the press of the BeComingOne Church: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

 Those of the world said: "We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's [Christ's] blood upon us." 

But Peter and the apostles answered:
"We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:28-29)

"All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility ... But the peculiar evil of  silencing the expression of opinion is, that it is robbing the human race ... If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error." (John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Chapter 2)

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