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Press of the BeComing-One Church

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God’s NAME: BeComingOne

To Review and Conclude
gp113» As shown above, God said that his NAME was, “I will be.” He repeated it twice in a row for emphasis. But to others God’s NAME is “He-will-be” or “He (who) will be” or thus “Yehowah.” We do not address God as, “I will be.” To be grammatically correct we must call Him, “Yehowah” or “He (who) will be.” As shown above, the Hebrew word “Yehowah” is from a verbal stem. Yehowah is similar to a Greek participle; it is a verb being used as a noun (see below). “Yehowah” if used as a verb means, He-will-be, or He-will-become, or He-will-come-to-be. But when used as a noun “Yehowah” means, He- (who)-will-be, or He-(who)-will-become, or the BECOMING-ONE. In The Emphasized Bible, page 26, it says the “Becoming-One” is a proper translation for YHWH. Many translations insist on using “LORD” in translating YHWH even though it is based on a mistaken Greek translation that used Kurios (“Lord”) when the Hebrew YHWH was translated into Greek.

gp114» BeComingOne is a better translation than “He-(who)-will-be” since it indicates that “Yehowah” exists now, but somehow is not yet perfected or completed or fully finished: He is Becoming. Since “Yehowah” is an imperfect verb (used as a noun), it signifies an incomplete state, it indicates something that is becoming, it indicates something that is in the process of coming-to-be, it indicates something that will be, yet is somehow now in existence. Thus, the translation, “BeComingOne,” fits the Hebrew word “Yehowah” best for the English language. The meaning of God’s NAME indicates that at some point in time the BeComingOne will come to be, or at that time will have become, or at that time will exist in his truest form or meaning.

NAME in the New Testament
gp115» In the New Testament please note the Lord God Almighty is the one “who is, and who was, and who is to come(Rev 1:4, 8; 4:8; 11:17; 16:5). The BeComingOne (YHWH) is the almighty God, the one “who is, and who was, and who is to come.” This is a good translation of the meaning of the Hebrew imperfect verb Yehowah, which is God’s NAME. Or we can translate Revelation 1:8: “Lord, the God, the is, the was, and the coming-one, the almighty.” God Almighty is to come, or He is the COMING-ONE, who is now, and who was; He is the BeComingOne.

gp116» With our knowledge that God’s Name was an imperfect verb, and that it was in the corhortative form, we can conclude that:
◼︎ YHWH means one existing in someway in an incomplete state who yet will, without any doubt, come to be, or come to exist, in the fullest sense.

Hereafter in this book we will use the correct translation of YHWH “BeComingOne”— instead of “LORD.”

No Problem with the NAME, But with Immutability Theory. Yes I know that God’s Name is against the immutability theory, but the problem is not with His NAME, but with the false immutability theory.

The above was taken from the God Papers, paragraph gp113 to gp116

Click here for the full explanation of God’s NAME

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Those of the world said: "We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's [Christ's] blood upon us."  But Peter and the apostles answered: "We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:28-29)

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