Press of the BeComingOne Church |
[Taken from the Prophecy Papers by Walter R. Dolen Copyright © 1977-2003 by Walter R. Dolen and/or BeComingOne Church]
PR2: Beast-System PaperTen Horns System of the Beastpr107» Who or what is the Beast? The "Beast" is described primarily in the 12th, 13th, and 17th chapters of Revelation, and in the book of Daniel. Notice carefully this Biblical description:
pr108» This description of the "Beast" is symbolic. The very word "beast" is a symbol. We need to interpret the symbols in the Bible concerning the Beast, for they stand for something real. And when we know what all these symbols mean, we will know who or what the "Beast" is. The Bible interprets its own symbols and tells us what these symbols represent. pr109» In the seventh chapter of Daniel, we find these same symbols described again. We see the beasts with the "seven heads," the "ten horns," and we see the "lion," the "bear," and the "leopard." And in the book of Daniel it tells us what these symbols represent. pr110» God had given Daniel understanding in dreams and visions (Dan 1:17):
As in Revelation, the "beasts" came up out of the sea:
Four Beastspr111» And Daniel had a dream and vision in which he saw four great beasts:
pr112» So the first beast was like a "lion," the second was like a "bear," the third like a "leopard," and the fourth was so dreadful and terrible it could not be compared to any wild beast known to inhabit the earth, and it has ten horns. Four Beasts = Four Kingdomspr113» Notice Daniel 7 where we see the interpretation:
pr114» The word "king" is synonymous with kingdom, and is used in the sense that the king represents the kingdom over which he rules, for in verse 23 we read:
Notice also the word "kingdom" is used to explain the beasts in verses 18, 22, 24, and 27. Seven Headspr115» There was only one head for the lion, one for the bear, but the third beast, the leopard, had four heads:
The fourth beast also had just one head (Dan 7:19-20, 'in his head'). Thus, there are seven heads on the Beast of Revelation. Seventh Head With Ten Hornspr116» Notice again that the fourth beast or kingdom is the seventh head. But out of this seventh head or kingdom comes the ten horns:
pr117» This fourth beast with ten horns was different from the previous three kingdoms or beasts:
pr118» In the book of Revelation we note:
pr119» The fourth beast of Daniel is the Beast of Revelation. The Beast pictures the previous three beasts incorporated within it (Rev 13:2). It has the leopard, which is the third kingdom (Dan 7:6, see above). It has the bear, which is the second kingdom (Dan 7:5, see above). It has the lion, which is the first kingdom (Dan 7:4, see above). It is different from the kingdom before it because it includes all of them in some sense, and because it has ten horns. The fourth kingdom will be as, if not more, rich, powerful, magnificent, than all the kingdoms before it. It will be so powerful that it will "devour the whole earth" ( Dan 7:23). ["The whole earth" here means all the known earth at the time of the Biblical writer; in antitype it literally means all the earth.] Ten Horns = Ten Kingdoms or Nationspr120» Out of the great and dreadful fourth beast grew ten horns:
pr121» What do the "horns" represent? Notice Dan 7:24: "and the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise." Notice the ten horns, come out of a fourth kingdom. Since king in these prophecies stands for the kingdom he represents, and since the words are used interchangeably (Dan 7:17, 23), it follows that these ten horns are kingdoms or nations within the fourth kingdom or beast. These ten nations are represented by the ten "toes of the feet" of the image in Daniel 2:31-35, 42. pr122» Ten crowns. Notice the ten horns of Revelation 13:2 had "ten crowns." These same horns with crowns on them are the same horns or kings indicated in Revelation 17:12: "and the ten horns which you saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom yet [note, v. 10]; but receive power as kings one hour [Greek, "short period of time"] with the beast." When these kings receive power with the Beast for "one hour," or a short period of time, is when the Beast has ten crowns on its ten heads. Ten to Sevenpr123» The Beast has ten horns in its seventh head, which is represented by the ten crowns of Revelation 13:1. But the Beast loses three. The following scriptures show that the Beast loses three horns or nations by them being "plucked up," "subdued," "broken," or "wounded to death." pr124» Something strange happens to the fourth Beast: he loses three horns, or three kings, or three nations, or breaks three toes:
pr125» Putting these scriptures together we see that the fourth kingdom or Beast, with its ten nations, will have three of its member nations: plucked up, subdued, broken, or wounded to death. Three nations will be subdued. They will be subdued by the "horn," that "shall subdue three kings" ( Dan 7:24, 8, 20). pr126» Eighth Head? "And here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains [or kingdoms], on which the woman sits. And there are seven kings [or mountains]; five are fallen and one is [remains of the third kingdom], and the other [7th mountain/kingdom] is not yet come; and when he comes [the 7th], he must continue a short space [time]" ( Rev 17:9-10). Notice that the seventh kingdom ("mountain") when it comes will only continue a short time. But, "the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth [kingdom or mountain], and is out of the seven [kingdoms or mountains] and goes into perdition [the lake of fire, Rev 19:19-20]" ( Rev 17:11). pr127» Now since the seven mountains or kingdoms are equated to the seven heads (Rev 17:9), then these are the heads that the woman sits on. But these verses say an eighth mountain will arise, and it is this mountain or kingdom that will go into the lake of fire. And it says this eighth is the Beast that was, and is not. And since it is the eighth mountain, then it must be the eighth head. But the Beast who was, and is not, has only seven heads (Rev 17:7). pr128» Deadly Wound. Notice that in Revelation 13:3 that a head was as wounded to death, but its deadly wound was healed. This deadly wound will happen to the seventh mountain or kingdom of Revelation 17 with its ten horns or nations. And this "deadly wound" will subdue three of the ten horns (nations) of this seventh kingdom ("mountain") which is the ten-nation Beast (Dan 7:24). Thus, the eighth mountain or kingdom is the healed Beast of Revelation 13:3. It had ten horns, but three nations ("horns") will be subdued by the mean horn (Dan 7:20, 24). pr129» In other words, "the Beast that was [the ten-nation Beast], and is not [the ten-nation Beast], even he is the eighth, and is out of the seven, and goes to perdition" ( Rev 17:11). This Beast was [the ten-nation Beast], and is not [the beast with ten horns or nations], and yet is [the beast, but with only seven nations]. The "deadly wound" destroys the kingdom that was by subduing three nations ("kings"); the healing of this deadly wound creates a kingdom with seven nations as opposed to ten nations as before. The seven-nation Beast "is not" like the ten-nation Beast, "yet is" the same beast, but with three nations subdued. First End-of-the-age Beastpr130» At first, the seventh head of the Beast will have ten horns or nations. The seventh head, which is the fourth beast, is the head after the four heads of the third beast or kingdom. The seventh head is the fourth beast. This fourth beast is the first end-of-the-age Beast of Revelation with ten ruling or crowned horns (Rev 13:2; 17:12). Second End-of-the-age Beastpr131» But this first end-of-the-age Beast has a deadly wound whereby three horns, or kings, or toes, or nations are subdued. After this deadly wound the second Beast of Revelation comes alive with three of its former horns put down (Rev 13:3ff). pr132» Image of the Beast. The seven-nation Beast is the "image" or likeness of the first Beast of Revelation (the ten-nation Beast). Therefore the "image of the Beast" is the seven-nation Beast (Rev 13:11-15). This is the true end-of-the-age Beast that rules superior in the last 1260 days of the kingdom of Satan. 1260 Days: the Last Days Before Christ Rulespr133» The casting down of the three nations will be the "deadly wound" ( see Rev 13:3). Notice that it is after the "deadly wound" when the Beast of Revelation, pictured in chapter 13, begins to speak "a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies" for 42 months or 3 and ½ years (Rev 13:5). This is what happens after three kings are subdued:
pr134» The seven-nation end-of-the-age Beast rules the earth for 42 months; or a time, times, and dividing of time; or 1260 days (Rev 13:5; Dan 7:25; Rev 12:6, 14). It is during these 1260 days that the seven-nation Beast will speak blasphemies against God, and will seek to destroy God's Church (Rev 13:5-6; Dan 7:24-25; 12:7; Rev 12:6, 14). pr135» The book of Revelation speaks often of a time period of 1260 days just before Christ returns:
are the 1260 day periods mentioned in Revelation. pr136» It is during these 1260 days or 42 months just before Christ physically returns that the Beast, in the truest sense, will reign great in the world (Rev 13:5; Dan 7:25; Dan 12:7). pr137» After the 1260 days of the 'healed' Beast, then Christ returns and the 1000 years of the Kingdom of God begins. Note in context Daniel 7:8-9, 24-27; 2:42-45. We see in these scriptures the fourth beast of Daniel rules until he is destroyed and the Most High and his saints begin their rule. Christ begins his rule after the 1260 days as the above scriptures prove. Therefore the seven-nation Beast exists in the 1260 day period just before Christ returns. Four Beasts or Kingdomspr138» These four kingdoms or beasts are also described in the second chapter of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar of the Chaldean Empire, who had taken the Jews captive, had a dream, the meaning of which God revealed to Daniel. pr139» The dream is described in Daniel 2:31-35. The king saw a great image. Its head was of gold, its breast and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of brass, its legs of iron and its feet and toes were part iron and part clay. Finally, a stone, not with man's hands (but supernaturally) was cut out of the mountain, and this stone smote the image upon his feet and toes, thereby smashing the entire image together (v. 35a). Then the stone that smashed the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth:
Nebuchadnezzar Until The Stonepr140» There are four world-ruling kingdoms that begin with Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom. His kingdom was the Chaldean Empire which took away the Jews to Babylon. From Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom, which was the symbolical first beast of Daniel 7:4, or the symbolical tree of Daniel 4:20-23, or the golden head of the image of Daniel 2:32, 38, grew up or raised up the remaining kingdoms. And out of the fourth kingdom was to be ten kings or nations, which are symbolized by the ten toes on the image of chapter two of Daniel, or the ten horns of the fourth beast of chapter 7 of Daniel, or the ten horns of Revelation's Beast (Rev 13:1; 17:3, 12). The fourth kingdom will exist before Christ the Stone, and His kingdom will take over the world's governments, and fill the whole earth with the kingdom of God (cf Dan 2:32-45; Dan 7:2-14, 25-27). pr141» Christ Is The Stone. The interpretation of the stone smashing the image on its toes is found in the 44th verse: "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall not for olams ['never'] be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for olams." The Stone is Christ and his kingdom. The interpretation of the Stone is given many places in the Bible, "Jesus of Nazareth ... is the stone which was set at naught of you builders, which is become head of the corner" ( Acts 4:10-11). pr142» The time when the Stone (Christ) takes over the kingdoms of the world "in the days of these kings," that is, the kings being the 'toes' of the image of Daniel, chapter two (Dan 2:43-44, 34). At Christ's physical return is when He shall destroy the Gentile kingdom (the Beast of Revelation, Rev 1:19-21; 11:15-19) in righteous warfare (Rev 19:11). The Stone will smite the image (the Gentile kingdoms) in righteousness, for "in righteousness he does judge and make war" ( Rev 19:11). And righteous judgment or warfare is explained in Psalm 9:16, "the Lord [YHWH] is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands." In other words Christ the Stone will smite the image, by merely letting them or those of the Gentile kingdoms destroy themselves. This event is pictured in many places in the Bible. Here are two of them: "and was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth," [How] "and that they should kill one another" ( Rev 6:4). And, "for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom" ( Matt 24:7). This is the Last War. See our paper on "Last War and God's Wrath" [PR5] for more on the Last War. Fourth Beastpr143» As we have seen the fourth beast is the seventh head of the seven-head and ten-horn Beast of Revelation 13:1-2. Out of this seventh head comes ten horns or nations who will rule as ten nations for "one hour," a short time period with the Beast (Rev 17:12). But the beast that causes the greatest trouble rules for 1260 or 42 months just before Christ's physical return. Just before these 1260 days three of the ten nations are subdued by the Beast (Dan 7:24-27, see above). Identity of the First Three Beastspr144» Who were the first three beasts or kingdoms? Let's look at scripture and history to see. pr145» Image. In the second chapter of Daniel, it identifies the head of the great image as king Nebuchadnezzar or the kingdom of Babylon (Dan 2:38). But in Daniel 2 it does not identify the second, third, and fourth kingdoms by name (Dan 2:39-40). pr146» Tree. In the fourth chapter of Daniel, it identifies king Nebuchadnezzar with the tree, but it does not identify the bands of iron and brass left after the king is cut down. Remember, the third and fourth kingdom of the image in Daniel, chapter two, was made of brass and iron (Dan 2:39-40; see PR3 concerning this tree). pr147» Four Beasts. In Daniel, chapter seven, it does not identify any of the beasts by name, except the clue of the eagle feathers (cf. Dan 7:4 w/ 4:33-34, 19-32). pr148» Seven-Head, Ten-Horn Beast. In Revelation, chapters 12, 13, and 17 it does not identify the name of the kingdom involved except to tie this Beast of seven heads and ten horns with Daniel's beasts by its leopard, bear, and lion; Daniel's beasts were also like a lion, bear, and leopard (cf. Rev 13:2 w/ Dan 7:3-7) and they had/have seven heads and ten horns (see above). pr149» Ram, Goat. But in Daniel, chapter 8, it identifies the second and third kingdom, or second and third beast, or the second through sixth head:
pr150» Thus the RAM with two horns (nations or kingdoms) is the Media-Persian empire with the two nations of Media and Persia. From its homeland it pushed westward (as far as Greece), northward (as far as the Caucasus Mts.), and southward (into Egypt), and while going westward took the land of Israel. It destroyed the Babylonian empire (Dan 5:24-31; see secular historical records). Through comparing various Biblical scripture, we can identify this RAM with the second beast of Daniel 7 and with the silver chest and arms of the great image of Daniel 2. Media-Persia is thus identified, through comparison, as the second head of the seven headed beast. pr151» In Daniel, chapter 8, we read:
pr152» Thus, the he-GOAT was the kingdom of Macedonia. History identifies this empire as the one under Alexander the Great who came from the west and destroyed the Media-Persian empire and took its territory. After Alexander "grew very great," after "he was strong," he "was broken" and four kingdoms came up in the place of Alexander's kingdom. pr153» Alexander the Great died shortly after he conquered a great territory from the Indus river near India to Greece and south into Egypt. The four kingdoms that came from Alexander's kingdom came from four of his generals not from his posterity (his physical heirs). After more than 20 years of struggle among successors of the empire, by the year 301 BC (according to conventional chronology and history) four generals and their territories were:
pr154» Greek Culture. These four kingdoms did not have the unified power of Alexander's empire: "but not in his power" ( Dan 8:22). But because of Alexander's conquest, the culture of Greece was spread to the four winds or four directions of the compass. A unified currency was established, the Attican coin measure, and thus a world economy or vast economic area was created. Greek became the universal language (Koine) over a wide area, cities were established, and libraries built. The Septuagint or a Greek text of the Bible, was also a result of the third beast -- the Grecian Empire. It is these four kingdoms of the four generals that are counted as the four heads of the third beast (Dan 7:6), which are the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth head of the seven headed beast. Babylon -- The First Beastpr155» The four beasts of chapter 7 of Daniel are the same four ruling Gentile powers that are identified by the interpretation of the "image" of Nebuchadnezzar's dream (see above). The first was Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom, the Chaldean Empire, called "Babylon" after the name of its capitol city (Dan 2:32, 38; and see above). This kingdom symbolically had one head. Media-Persia -- The Second Beastpr156» The second kingdom which followed we know from history. It was the Persian Empire, often called Media-Persia, composed of Medes and Persians. Notice the Biblical description of the Medes taking over the kingdom of Babylon. This kingdom symbolically had one head. See Daniel 5:28-31; 5:1-31; 8:3-4, 20, and see above. Greece With Four heads -- Third Beastpr157» The third world kingdom was Greece, or Macedonia under Alexander the Great, who conquered the great Persian Empire. But Alexander died after his swift conquest, and his four Generals divided his vast Empire into four regions: Macedonia and Greece; Thrace and Western Asia; Syria and territory east to the Indus River; and Egypt. These Generals were the "four heads" of the third beast of Daniel 7:6. Notice the scripture on this in Daniel 7:6; 8:5-8, 21-22, and see above. Six Heads = Babylon, Media-Persia, And Greecepr158» The first three beasts or kingdoms have six heads. Thus the fourth beast or kingdom must have the seventh head. Who Or What Is The Seventh Head?pr159» Roman Empire? There are presently many theories on the identity of the seventh head or the fourth world kingdom of Daniel. Some say it is the revival of the Roman Empire, but this is not so. Some argue that Rome was too important to be left out of Daniel's vision of world-empires, but Daniel never mentions Rome. It is argued that the terrible character of the fourth kingdom is best fulfilled by Rome, but I say it is best fulfilled by a nuclear armed nation(s). Some argue that the Roman theory is favored by the statement in Dan 2:44, "in the days of these kings [fourth kingdom with ten "toes" or ten "horns"] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom," for the Roman Empire was ruling Palestine when Christ first appeared. But remember, even after Christ's resurrection the kingdom of God had not yet been set up for at that time his apostles asked him, "will you at this time restore again the kingdom" ( Acts 1:6 ). Christ's apostles were asking about restoring Israel's kingdom, which was the kingdom of God in a typical sense (see PR1). His apostles at that time were thinking physically about physical Israel, but Christ when he spoke of the Kingdom of God was referring to Spiritual Israel (PR1). Christ had not yet at that time set up the Kingdom of God on earth. Prophesy tells us the kingdom will only be set up when the time of the Gentile kingdoms is ended and Christ returns (Dan 7:23-27; 2:44; Luke 21:24; Rev 11:2; PR2 & PR3; see Biblical Hermeneutics, by Milton S. Terry, chapter 22). Let's look to scripture for the answer. Mean and Base Hornpr160» From Daniel 7:8, 20 we see that the "mean horn" {'little'= # 2192, 6810, 6819, mean, ignoble, base, diminished in size or behavior} with the mouth that spoke great things and ruled the 1260 days before Christ's return is the same horn spoken about in Daniel 8:9 and is "the king of fierce countenance" ( Dan 8:23). This horn subdues three kings (Dan 7:8, 20, 24). This is the horn, which grows exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east and toward the pleasant land" ( Dan 8:9). The pleasant land is the land of Israel. It was Alexander the Great that came from the west to conquer Media-Persia (Dan 8:5). It is the debased horn that comes, and in some way grows great in reference toward the South, East, and pleasant land (Dan 8:9). pr161» It is the horn that comes "out of the one from them" ( Dan 8:9, Hebrew text). The "them" being the four notable ones or four kingdoms that spread out toward the four winds of heaven (Dan 8:8, 22). It is in the "latter time of their kingdom" that the evil king will appear (Dan 8:23). "Their kingdom" was the Grecian empire. But this kingdom was spread out to the four winds of heaven (Dan 8:8; 11:4). Yet out of the one of the dissipated kingdoms will come the base horn. pr162» In an imperfect sense, Antiochus IV Epiphanes was 'the one of them' ("them" being the four kingdoms that came from Alexander's kingdom). And it was this kingdom that was great towards the south (Egypt), east (to the Indus R.), and the pleasant land or the land of Israel (see Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, by Payne, pp 389-390; The Interpretation of Prophecy, by Tan, pp. 323ff; Clarke's commentary, Vol 4; etc.). Antiochus IV Epiphanes made great havoc in the land of Israel (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 12, Chap 5 ff). But this is not the true meaning of these scripture, for one thing it never had ten horns (kingdoms) united to it. Unity Powerpr163» The phrase, 'the one,' from 'out of the one from them' in Daniel 8:9 has two senses in Hebrew. Antiochus IV and his Seleucidan Empire was in a sense from the former four kingdoms of Greece under Alexandra the Great: he was one from them. But the Hebrew text also indicates a unity of the remains of the Alexandrian Empire:
pr164» The real sense of this scripture is that there will be a unification of the dispersed four kingdoms of the four generals of Alexander. Out of the unity of the old and dispersed Grecian empire comes the Beast. The unification character of the Beast is indicated by the previous empires being included in some way in the Beast of Revelation. Thus we see that the Beast in Revelation 13:1-2 included Babylonian (lion), Media-Persian (bear), and the Grecian empire (leopard). The second kingdom, the Persian one, took over the territory of the first kingdom, Babylon. The third kingdom (Grecian empire) took over the second kingdom's territory. The fourth kingdom, with its ten nations, will in turn in some way control the territory of the former kingdoms. But when we look at the maps of these kingdoms we see that the second kingdom took somewhat different territories than the first, and the third took somewhat different territories than the second. Thus, the fourth kingdom's territory will not have exactly the same territories as the beasts before it. The fourth beast with ten horns will control or have great influence in the land through a treaty or as a league of nations united for some common purpose. pr165» The seventh head is then a unity head or unifying head. The seventh head has ten nations or horns. Its existence is just before the time of Christ's kingdom. The Bible does not give us the names of these ten kingdoms, but it does give the number of the nations who will join into an end-of-the-age united league. It is out of the unity of these kings that the Beast will come. It is out of the unity of the ten nations that the Beast will show itself, and this Beast will subdue three of the ten nations exactly 1260 days before Christ's return. This Beast becomes great in reference to the east, the south, and the pleasant land. But in a higher sense the whole world is the future land of Spiritual Israel. In the truest sense it is the spiritual Beast that becomes great in all the earth (see PR3 & "Seed Paper" [PR1]). Kings of the North and Southpr166» In a sense the kings of the north and south are represented by the two legs on the great image of Daniel, chapter two. The king of the north being the Seleucidan kingdom. The king of the south being the Ptolemaic kingdom. Both these kings struggled over the land of Israel. In Daniel, chapter 11, is a description of the struggle between these two kingdoms (see Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, by Payne, pp 389-390; The Interpretation of Prophecy, by Tan, pp. 323ff; Clarke's commentary, Vol 4; etc.). pr167» But antitypically the king of the north and king of the south indicate the divided kingdom of the Beast. All the kingdoms of the world in the old age belong to the influence of the spiritual Beast. Thus all the kingdoms are divided against each other (see "Last War and God's Wrath" paper [PR5]). Typically, chapter 11 of Daniel occurred over decades, but antitypically the battles will be in the true time of the end before Christ's return, especially at the very end -- the Last War. The Beast will be great in the "glorious land" (Dan 11:16, 24, 41, 45; 8:9) and the "place" of the sanctuary (Dan 8:9, 11). But in an antitypical or higher sense, the "place" of the sanctuary are the real Christians -- those with God's Spirit inside them. The Beast will go into the physical place of the physical sanctuary, but in the higher sense of the scripture the Beast goes against the Spiritual sanctuary. Chapter 11 can be interpreted in a dual sense (see PR3 and "Last War" paper [PR5]). Identity of the Fourth Beastpr168» We have seen that the first end-of-the-age Beast is an accumulation of world powers into a ten-nation league of nations, a united league of ten nations united by treaty, written or oral. The Babylonian (lion), Media-Persian (bear), and Grecian (leopard) kingdom were old-world powers who came to control the land of Israel. The third beast (Grecian empire) was spread out to the four winds. But near the end-of-the-age it will be unified. That is, a unification of world powers will occur, since the first three beasts represent known world powers. This unification will be of ten nations. Identified by the Number of Nations Unifiedpr169» As of now, the identity of each of the ten nations cannot be ascertained. They may include the people or territory of Greece, or Babylon, or Persia, but not necessarily so. The scripture says the "Beast" becomes great in reference to the south, to the east, and to the glorious land (Dan 8:9). Thus, it becomes great to the land of Israel, and to the east and south of it. Until the ten nations join together no one will be able to identify the ten nations exactly. But before they join you can be sure of the NUMBER of the Beast or the number of the nations of this united force or empire. At first there will be ten; later, after 30 days there will be seven (see 1290 Days, below). Thus the identity is ascertained, not by the name of the nations, but by the number of nations that are unified. pr170» The unification of ten nations is but the first of an end-of-the-age Beast. There is a second end-of-the-age Beast and it has seven nations. The seven-nation league comes into existence 1260 days before Christ's return. When Is The Beast Set Up?pr171» Now we know what is the Beast of Revelation. The Beast in the truest sense will be fulfilled during the 1260 day period just before Christ physically returns. But when is the ten-nation league going to be set up? We know by our study that during the 1260 day period only seven nations will be with the individual Beast, who will be the shadow of Satan himself (see above & PR3). Sometime before the 1260 days a ten-nation league must be set up that will give its power to the system of the Beast (Rev 17:12-13). At the 1260th day before Christ appears physically, the seven-member Beast will take over; but when is the ten-nation league to be set up? pr172» Now the Bible is dual, type and antitype. The prophecy of the Bible is dual: typical and real fulfillments. It is the time of the end when the prophetic fulfillments will happen in the truest sense. Daily Sacrificepr173» Now in Daniel it speaks about the mean horn and the DAILY SACRIFICE, and the "abomination that makes desolate" ( Dan 8:9, 13, 23-25; 11:31; 12:11). The "abomination that makes desolate" is also spoken of by Christ when he was telling His disciples about His return (Matt 24:15). What is the "daily sacrifice," and the "abomination that makes desolate?" pr174» Now typically we know what the daily sacrifice was. It was the Israelite's twice daily religious sacrifice of animals (Num 28:1-8). Antiochus IV Epiphanes in a sense stopped these sacrifices (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, Book 12, Chap 5 ff). Now what did these sacrifices represent? pr175» As Hebrews 10:1 and 8:4-5 projects, these sacrifices were "the example and shadow of heavenly things," or spiritual things since the Bible uses the words "heaven" and "spiritual" interchangeably (1 Cor 15:44-49; see "Duality Paper" [BP4]). What is the heavenly, or Spiritual, or antitypical meaning of the daily sacrifices? pr176» Now the Bible speaks about Christians being "living sacrifices," or "spiritual sacrifices" ( Rom 12:1; 1 Pet 2:5). Further the Bible calls Christians "sheep for the slaughter" (Rom 8:36) in that they suffer for doing what is right, as Christ suffered, or was sacrificed for what was right (1 Pet 3:14, 17; 4:1; 3:17; Heb 10:14; 9:23, 26; Isa 53:10; 2 Cor 5:21). pr177» Christians and Christ were/are "living sacrifices," or "Spiritual sacrifices." They were/are living sacrifices because they have the living Spirit inside them. The sacrifices or sufferings of Christians are somewhat like the others (Job 15:20; 31:3) except Christians have the living Spirit, and they suffer for their good (1 Pet 3:14, 17). pr178» Yet there are also dead sacrifices offered by those labeled the "dead" by the Bible. The old sacrifices were for the remembrances of sin (Heb 10:3). These sacrifices were for remembrances of sin, for many of mankind's problems, sacrifices, and sufferings are because of his sins. It is wrong behavior that causes mankind's ills. And sin is merely wrong behavior, or behavior that man does to others that he does not really want done to himself. The "dead" sacrifices are the sacrifices of those with only the dead spirit, the other-mind. pr179» Therefore the antitypical "daily sacrifice" is the daily suffering of all mankind. And when Daniel speaks of the daily sacrifice being taken away (Dan 8:11; 11:31; 12:11), he means, Spiritually or antitypically, the daily sacrifice of mankind by the hand of sin (or Satan) will be taken away. We are to understand God by taking the higher, or Spiritual, or antitypical meanings of Biblical scripture since God is Spirit and speaks to us Spiritually (John 4:24; 6:63; Phil 3:19; Col 3:1-2). And the time when the "daily sacrifice" is taken away is at Christ's physical return, for it is at that time and after that time that man's daily sacrifice will be taken away. Now we know the truest meaning of what Daniel was speaking of when he spoke about the daily sacrifice being taken away. And we know when it will be taken away -- at Christ's physical return. pr180» Abomination of Desolation. In Daniel 12:11 it speaks about the "abomination that makes desolate" being "set up" ["to give" or "to bestow" in Hebrew]. The Hebrew word translated "abomination" means "a detestable thing." Now this "abomination" is an "abomination that makes desolate." It is a detestable thing that destroys. pr181» In Daniel 8:9-13, 23-25, it speaks of the "mean horn" as destroying the daily sacrifice through transgression, and speaks of the "transgression of desolation." And Daniel 9:26-27 speaks about an end-of-the-age war that makes desolation. And in Daniel 11, which antitypically speaks of the "latter days" (note Dan 10:14 & Dan 11:40), it speaks about the "abomination that makes desolate" and about the abomination taking away the daily sacrifice. Therefore by putting these verses together, Daniel is saying that the abomination is the despicable horn, or as we show in PR2 and 3 (Beast Papers) he is also the end-of-the-age Beast described in Revelation. He is a detestable thing, for he speaks lies, kills, and plays like he is God, yet he is merely the shadow of Satan. And the Abomination makes desolate by the means of the end-of-the-age war in which he is a principal participate (Dan 9:26-27; see God's Wrath). But because after this Last War, Christ with his peace comes, and thereby sin and evil is put away, then, in a sense, the Abomination of Desolation through the Last War also takes away man's daily sacrifice. pr182» Or, it is through the LAST great sacrifice of mankind in this Last War (Isa 34:6; Zeph 1:8; Ezek 39:17; Rev 19:17-21) that man's sacrifice will be stopped by Christ the God, the Messiah (Matt 24:22; John 3:17) with His righteous wrath (see "God's Wrath" paper [PR4]). 1290 Dayspr183» The "abomination" is the individual Beast or the system of the Beast. And according to Daniel 12:11 it is set up 1290 days from (away from) when the daily sacrifice is taken away. The real daily sacrifice is taken away at Christ's return. Since the abomination can't be "set up" after Christ returns, then it is set up before Christ returns. It is set up before Christ's physical return. It is set up (or given or bestowed on the world) 1290 days from when the daily sacrifice is taken away, or from before the time of Christ's return. (It is the abomination or detestable thing that destroys that is set up on the 1290th day before Christ's return.) pr184» But we have seen that for 1260 days the Beast of Revelation will rule before Christ returns, and that this Beast will be of seven nations. Therefore it is the ten nations, or a first end-of-the-age Beast that will be set up 1290 days before Christ physically returns. And it will exist for 30 days as ten nations with one mind (Rev 17:13). This is the "one hour" (a short period of time) that the ten nations will be together. But these nations' power goes to "the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes and a mouth that spoke boastfully" and the seven-member league (Dan 7:20, NIV). This leader takes control through his deceit and craftiness (Dan 7:23-25) 1260 days before Christ returns, as explained in PR2 & 3 (Beast Papers). Thus, the ten-nation league will rule for 30 days, from the 1290th day before Christ physically returns to the 1260th day before Christ returns. This "backward count" of the 1290 days is not an unusual method of counting. For example, the Greeks and Romans counted days in their month backward at times:
2300 Evenings and Mornings Sacrifices or 1150 Dayspr185» In Daniel, chapter 8, it speaks of "evening morning two thousand and three hundred" (Dan 8:14, 26; v. 14 "day" = "evening-morning" in Aramaic [Hebrew]). In context with verses 11, 12, and 13, verse 14 is speaking about the daily sacrificeS: one in the evening and one in the morning. "This is the offering made by fire which you shall offer to the Lord; TWO lambs ... The one lamb shall you offer in the morning, and the other lamb shall you offer at even" ( Num 28:3-4; see Exo 29:38ff). There were two sacrifices each day. Verse 14 spoke of 2300 evening and morning sacrifices: One in the evening and one in the morning equals two per day. 2300 evening-morning sacrifices equals 1150 days. pr186» The 2300 evening-mornings in verse 14 is the answer to the question between the two holy men in verse 13: "How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?" (Dan 8:13) But in verse 9 and 11 it speaks of the evil horn going towards the pleasant land and casting down the place of the sanctuary. Since we know that the daily sacrifices, in its highest meaning, is taken away at Christ's coming, then the scriptures concerning the 2300 evening-morning sacrifices speak of the 1150 days before Christ's return when the place of the sanctuary is "cast down" or "trodden under foot." 1335th Daypr187» There is also something important to happen on the 1335th day before Christ returns when he who reaches this date is blessed (Dan 12:12). [NOTE: The 1335th day mentioned in Daniel 12:12 is the 1335th day before the antitypical daily sacrifice is to be taken away. This sacrifice is taken away at Christ's return. See the Beast Papers [PR2, PR3]and the "End of the Age" paper [PR7] to understand this: to understand the 1335th day one must understand our rendering of the 1290th and 1260th day.] ![]() |
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