Press of the BeComingOne Church

William J. Clinton has the number of the Beast  1 

"This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. Its number is six hundred sixty-six."  (Revelation 13:18)  Thus the number of the Beast is the number of a man, not a system, not money, not a computer, not a title, not anything but the number of a male human being. Each letter in Hebrew (except vowels) or Greek has a numerical value. 

The official name and signature of the ex-president of the United States was:  William J. Clinton

 Note: Are we saying at this time (June 29, 2013) or in the past that William J. Clinton is the Beast? No. Although he has the number of the Beast as explained below and other places. He may or may not turn into what the Bible calls the Beast. Or it may be someone else. We are just watching.

William J. Clinton's name = 666 in Hebrew and Greek
even though the numerical value of letters is different in each language

In Hebrew, William J. Clinton = 666
English   Hebrew Hebrew
Transliteration and/or
W = w.gif (838 bytes) Waw W 6
i = n/a 0
l = L.gif (859 bytes) Lamed L 30
l = L.gif (859 bytes)  Lamed L 30
i = n/a 0
a = n/a 0
m = m.gif (862 bytes) Mem M 40
J = J.gif (832 bytes) Yod Y ( J ) 10
C = C.gif (851 bytes) Kaph K 20
l = L.gif (859 bytes) Lamed L 30
i = n/a
n = n.gif (838 bytes) Nun N 50
t = t.gif (854 bytes) Taw T 400
o = n/a
n = n.gif (838 bytes) Nun N 50
=     666
Numerical Values
Click on "Num. Value" above the numerical value column to see source of information.  Click here for more information.
Notes: Hebrew had no written vowel letters; The English letter "J" in such names as "Jesus" or "Jehovah" or "Jerusalem" is transliterated to a Hebrew, "y" or vice versa; this information first calculated/published by WRD to the web on Dec 8-9, 1997
This table and other links of interest can be found:
In Greek, William J. Clinton = 666
English   Greek Greek
Transliteration and/or
W = w-gk.gif (853 bytes) Digamma  W 6
i = i-gk.gif (848 bytes) Iota i 10
l = l-gk.gif (862 bytes) Lambda L 30
l = l-gk.gif (862 bytes) Lamdba L 30
i = i-gk.gif (848 bytes) Iota i 10
a = a-gk.gif (862 bytes) Alpha closed vowel 0
m = m-gk.gif (870 bytes) Mu M 40
J = i-gk.gif (848 bytes) Iota i (J or y) 10
C = k-gk.gif (861 bytes) Kappa K 20
l = l-gk.gif (862 bytes) Lambda L 30
i = i-gk.gif (848 bytes) Iota i 10
n = n-gk.gif (860 bytes) Nu N 50
t = t-gk.gif (852 bytes) Tau T 300
o = o-gk.gif (861 bytes) Omicron O 70
n = n-gk.gif (860 bytes) Nu N 50
=    666
Numerical Values
Click on "Num. Value" above the numerical value column to see source of information.  Click here for more information.
Notes: The old Greek letter digamma had the sound of an English "w." (see Dict.)  English names beginning with "J" such as "Jesus" or "Jesse" or "Judah" are transliterated to an "I", the Greek letter  iota.  First calculated on Aug 26, 1998 by WRD;  published on Aug 29, 1998 by WRD
Note: Click on "Num. Value" above either the Hebrew or Greek column to see the source for numerical value.


1. Although having the number of the Beast does not in itself mean Clinton is/will be the Beast-man or the last anti-Christ, the Beast will have the number six hundred sixty-six (666) when he comes, and will be a great liar. [Dan 8:25; "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)] No leader has had a name that equals six hundred sixty-six (666) in both languages of the Bible, Hebrew and Greek. This may be "impossible," since both languages have different numerical-letter values, but Clinton has the number nevertheless. Will Clinton become the Beast-man of Revelation? If he joins himself to a ten-nation group, he will be on his way to fulfilling prophecy. Do not be fooled by others, English and most languages do not have numerical values for each letter, but Hebrew (except its vowels) and Greek do, and a few letters of Latin do. 

"C" = "k" sound. In English, the sound of "c" is the sound of "k" before all consonants. (Webster's New World Dictionary

"J" & "Y":  The letter "J" in most proper names starting with "J" in English Bibles is transliterated from the Hebrew "Y". The English letter "J" in such names as "Jesus" or "Jehovah" or "Jerusalem" is transliterated to a Hebrew, "y" or vice versa;

No Vowels: Hebrew had no written vowel letters, and thus no numerical value for them.

Digamma or stigma: This old Greek letter had the sound of an English "w." (see the 1966 Unabridged Edition of the Random House Dictionary, 1966, under the letter "W" and under "digamma." See also A.T. Robertson in his A Grammar of the Greek New Testament, p. 209; The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, O. Neugebauer, p. 25 under "ad9") This Greek letter was dropped and is no longer used except in charts that represent the numerical values of Greek letters. See "beast links" below for more detail.

Closed Vowel: "A diphthong is a combination of two vowels in a single syllable. The second letter of a diphthong is always a close[d] vowel. The first letter is always an open vowel except in the case of yi [ypsilon, iota]." (New Testament Greek for Beginners, MacMillan-1945, by J. Gresham Machen) "The Greeks resisted the idea of one vowel following another ... When the verb starts with a vowel, instead of adding another vowel [to change its "tense"], that vowel becomes long." (Edward W. Goodrich, Hebrew and Greek)

Iota sometimes has the force of the consonants j (y). (A Grammar of the Greek New Testament In light of Historical Research, by A.T. Robertson, p.198.) English names beginning with "J" such as "Jesus" or "Jesse" or "Judah" are transliterated into an "I", the Greek letter  iota.

How to figure the number of a name.
More about calculating the number and other attempts in history to find the one with the number. 
See our original table as published on December 8, 1997.

Other Beast Links:
Character of the Beast | Check List to identify the Beast | Beast-man (last anti-Christ) Ten Nation Beast | Beast Chart | God's Name versus the Beast's Name | Beast of Revelation and Daniel

Copyright ©1997, 1998 by Walter R. Dolen

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The Press of the BeComingOne Church
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This site is the press of the BeComingOne Church: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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All material on this Web site is Copyright © 1971 - 2016 by BeComingOne Church and or Walter R. Dolen

Press of the BeComingOne Church

This site is the press of the BeComingOne Church: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

 Those of the world said: "We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's [Christ's] blood upon us." 

But Peter and the apostles answered:
"We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:28-29)

"All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility ... But the peculiar evil of  silencing the expression of opinion is, that it is robbing the human race ... If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error." (John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Chapter 2)

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